Volume I
Part 1: The Academy of the New Church, 1876-96
Part 2: The General Church, 1897--37
by the Rev. Dr. William Whitehead
Preface p. i
Abbreviations List ii
PART I: The Academy of the New Church, 1876-96
Preliminary Steps, 1874, 75 - p. i.
Official Beginning, 1876, p. 7
1877 11 1989 53
78 14 90 57
79 17 91 67
80 20 92 74
81 23 93 81
82 26 94 87
83 30 95 97
84 34 96 105
85 38 Appendix:
86 41 Meetings and Reports p. i
87 45 Notable Memorials v
88 49 Ordinations vii
PART 2: The General Church of the New Jerusalem, 1897-1937.
1897 1 1918 149
98 9 19 154
99 18 20 159
1900 26 21 165
01 33 22 170
02 43 23 176
03 52 24 181
04 60 25 186
05 66 26 191
06 73 27 197
07 79 28 203
08 85 29 209
09 90 30 215
10 97 31 221
11 104 32 227
12 110 33 232
13 116 34 237
14 122 35 242
15 131 36 248
16 138 37 255
17 143 Appendix for Part 2: p. 1
This volume begins the chronicle of a new body of the New Church, The Academy of the New Church (1876), later organized under the name of "The General Church of the New Jerusalem." (1897) We have, therefore, titled these two volumes under the latter name as being more general, and have made two parts of the first volume, viz. "The Academy, 1876-96", and "The General Church, 1897-1937". Vol. II is "The General Church, 1938-76".
It should be noted that we have not retained the former title, "Annals of the New Church," since the materials offered do not include items from other bodies of the Church, with a few exceptions.
In its beginning, the Academy was both a church and an educational institution. But by 1890, it was seen that the two uses should be more clearly distinguished. Accordingly and preliminarily, there was first formed "The Church of the Advent of the Lord". Finally, in 1897, there was formed "The General Church of the New Jerusalem" as the general religious body, the Academy becoming its educational institution.
Generally speaking, the material collected has been retained in its original form, style and content. There have been necessary, however, a large amount of editing, compacting, and some cutting as well as adding.
As in Vol. II of Annals of the New Church, there will be found the year-by-year chronicle of outstanding events, noteworthy articles, publications, and contemporary events. An Appendix lists Meetings and Reports, Notable memorials, and Ordinations. As previously, these are not complete by any means; they are selective, being lifted out of the main text. (cf. Preface to Vol. II, Annals of the New Church.)
Morley D. Rich, Ed.
for periodicals, books and libraries to which references are made in these volumes (Annals of the Academy of the New Church, and Annals of the General Church of the New Jerusalem.)
AA - Archives of the Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa.
AL - Academy of the New Church Library.
Anniv. Record - The Academy of the New Church, 1876-1926. AL.
Block - The New Church in the New World.
BSA - Bulletin of the Sons of the Academy.
Coll. Lres. - College Letters, AL, 1886.
I - Intellectual Repository. London, 1812-81.
JE - Journal of Education (of the Academy), AL, 1901-.
Journal - Journals of the General Church of Pennsylvania, 1845-89.
JPD - John Pitcairn Diary. AA.
L - New Church Life, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1881 - date.
LM - The New Jerusalem Magazine, London, 1826-.
M - New Jerusalem Magazine, Boston, 1827-72.
Mns - New Jerusalem Magazine, new series. Boston, 1875-93.
Mess. - New Jerusalem Messenger (now New Church Messenger), New York, et al, 1855 - date.
ML - Morning Light. London, 1878-1914.
NCH - New Church Herald. London, 1920 - date.
NCM - New Church Magazine. London, 1882 - date.
NCQ- New Church Quarterly, 1910-18.
NCReview - New Church Review, Boston. 1882-1934.
NCT - New Church Tidings. Toronto. 1889-94.
NE - Early Days of the Immanuel Church. Glenview, III. S.G. Nelson, 1927. AL.
PES - Pastoral Extension Service. Bryn Athyn, 1944-. AL.
TA - Theta Alpha Journal. Bryn Athyn.
WNC - Words for the New Church, Philadelphia, 1876-86.